Persoane interesate

marți, 7 iunie 2011

Reflections and Virtual Present

 Indeed,with this post I reached the end of the project "English trough Blogging".
      How I have worked for this project?
 With interest,with curiosity about what will be in the next task, with many hours spent in front of the pc looking for informations,pictures,right words and expressions.
     What was difficult and what was not so difficult?
  Looking back now,I can say that, in principle,the tasks were not as much difficult than
time-consuming(especially that I started to work too late on this project).Although,one kind of difficulty raised the tasks where I had to express my feelings and my opinions.Working on this blog I realised that is not always so easy to speak and to write about them.
  But,putting all these behind,it was really interesting doing all those tasks.
    What did I enjoy most?
 Finally...all of them!
 And most of all I enjoyed that my son also had a real interest  for my "work",he was curious about the way  I did all those things.
    What I have learnt?
 Well,first of all,I learned how to "work" on a blog,how to use technology,how to make small videos or talking pictures...and the list could be continued.
  And,above all,I really hope that I improved my English.
  But...this only you can tell me,teacher.
    If I feel sorry for something?
Yes,that I didn't start to do this in time to have more comments and that I also didn't comment on my colleagues blogs.

  "A blog is like a shark - if it stops moving, it will die"  - Well,this is true.If the blog wil not "move"...people will forget about it - this means the "death" of a blog.How a blog is "moving"?By posting about us,about our thoughts,if we learn something by sharing with the others.And the others,commenting on our blog,will make the "shark" /our "shark"- who fascinate and frighten humans in the same time - to "move" and not to be dead.
   Anyway,it was a good experience.Thank you,teacher for this!

This is not a real present,but I hope it is a nice surprise.

Finally,for my dear colleagues I wish all of these,this is my present for them.

My story

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luni, 6 iunie 2011

Talking pictures

If only the photos could talk...

One day I played basketball with my son.


1. CULTURAL AWARENESS -What are the Romanians like?
       Well,I think Romanians are friendly,hospitable and helping people.They like to live good,they like to party,sometimes even in hard times.They are smart,it's well-known that Romanians are famous in I.T.and mathematics(even if some of them choose to fructify their talent and knowledge for not always orthodox things).
        Romanians are also talented people,many of them become famous abroad in music,arts and sports.
        In some parts of Romania people preserve old customs with sanctity.
        Romanians are good craftsmen and artisans and I think many of my visitors will approve this.
 I can even give some examples about this.

  Another thing what I think about Romanians:they are good farmers,too.
  And ...last but not least...the Romanian women are famous about their beauty,especially those from Moldova.
   And...because every nation has good and bad peculiarities,I will mention some -in my opinion- bad characteristics of Romanians:demagogy(mostly politicians)and megalomania.Also,they are a wailing people;if, for example a natural disaster comes over them they are able to sit and to weep instead to do something to help themselves(e.g..Romanians versus Japanese).Romanians are always waiting to somebody else to come to help them.
   As I said before,I think every nation has good and bad parts.Also,I think,everybody have to treasure in somebody else the good qualities,because nothing can be only white or black.
                                             "There is no forest without deadwoods."
For example I always had  through my life Romanian friends.And even if now I don't know anything about them I often think of them  and I miss some of them.  
   How do you think about all I wrote?
   Do you think I have right?Or wrong?
   The answer for this question is not so simple,I think.
  In my opinion the motivations can be numerous,starting with those of emotional order (the change or the need for change will come in this case from within) until those which are physical motivations (the need to change something in our life,in our way of everyday living to feel better in our body).
  I think people can change for their or for others sake.Even if we can't strip off  our personality we can do changes in our behaviour to not hurt somebody,or to keep somebody close to us,or to save a relation.These are changes in my opinion.
  And until we don't feel uncomfortable with these changes I think we can accept them to make our life easier and more pleasant.

  What do you think?Do I have right?
Have you ever thought if people can change?Or if they want to change...Write me to discuss it together!


duminică, 5 iunie 2011

My most valuable photo

 1.  Well,for this post it was really hard to choose only one picture,but finally I decided which to be the one.
        So,here it is :

   This photo was taken in may 2010 when my son finished a three month swimming course.
This is not such a big thing,but in his case it was.I remember the summer of 2009 when nobody could make him to go in the deep water.He was too afraid and his father couldn't convince him to go in the pool.And I remained with this picture in my mind about him.After he started to go to the courses and when they finished the three month period the coaches invited the parents to see what the children learned.
   I couldn't believe my eyes!My son was swimming so good,without any fear,with so precise movements!
  When I saw him swimming I started to cry!Emotions came over me: I felt surprise and pride! I was so proud of him! I will never forget that day and those feelings.He had a well deserved diploma in his hands and I was really affected.

  2.Guess what it represents .
     Can somebody tell me where this photo was taken? What do you think it is about and what it represents?
     Can you find a meaning for this picture?